About NASPO ValuePoint
Excellence in public cooperative contracts
NASPO ValuePoint is a cooperative purchasing program facilitating public procurement solicitations and agreements using a lead-state model. Please review NASPO's Introduction to Cooperative Purchasing for additional information.
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing State Chief Procurement Officers with the support and procurement resources they need.
NASPO ValuePoint provides the highest standard of excellence in public cooperative contracting. By leveraging the leadership and expertise of all states and the purchasing power of their public entities, NASPO ValuePoint delivers the highest valued, reliable and competitively sourced contracts - offering public entities outstanding prices.
Started in 1992, NASPO ValuePoint is the cooperative purchasing division of the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO), facilitating cooperative public procurement solicitations using a Lead State Model™.
NASPO aggregates the demand of all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the US territories, their political subdivisions, and other eligible entities, spurring best value, innovation, and competition in the marketplace. NASPO ValuePoint delivers high-value, reliable, and competitively sourced cooperative contracts - offering public entities outstanding prices, favorable terms and conditions, and value-added services.
Please visit www.naspo.org for additional information.
What sets NASPO ValuePoint apart
All of our contracts are awarded with full competition and full transparency.
We help you to leverage resources across states, saving states and procurement officers time and resources.
We protect your interests with favorable terms and conditions and competitive pricing.
Our terms are developed by public procurement professionals, subject matter experts and users across the country.
We reimburse states for all efforts and resources used to secure NASPO ValuePoint Contracts.
Working with NASPO ValuePoint
By working with a cooperative purchasing organization, states are able to leverage their spending through a single solicitation with the best value and superior contract terms. NASPO ValuePoint and our contractors focus on price, quality, reliability, warranties, and service while protecting states’ interests with favorable terms and conditions.
States benefit from the lower administrative costs of processing solicitations by leveraging the expertise of staffs across state boundaries. This division of labor allows states to share their resources and more efficiently achieve their business goals. NASPO ValuePoint reimburses states for the costs of leading and administrating a NASPO ValuePoint, as well as for participating in sourcing teams.
Contractors also benefit considerably by avoiding the repetitive bid preparation expenses, eliminating the need for repetitive bids on the same solicitations for different jurisdictions. Contractors can factor in greater volumes for multiple jurisdictions when determining their pricing. These savings are then passed along to the states.
All states, the District of Columbia, and US Territories are eligible to use NASPO ValuePoint contracts. Within each state, the State Procurement Official determines if his/her state is eligible.
Each state determines, in accordance with its own state statutes, whether it will use each NASPO ValuePoint contract and which entities within their state may use each NASPO ValuePoint contract, including state agencies, higher education institutions and political subdivisions. In some states non-profit organizations are eligible.
We promote innovative and efficient procurement by states, promoting superior value contracts with integrity and transparency for the public sector.
Your strategic partner for public procurement solutions.
NASPO demonstrates Leadership, Excellence and Integrity through:
ValuePoint Executive Council is comprised of state procurement officials elected by the National Association of State procurement Officials (NASPO) representing their geographic region. The 10 member Council oversees strategic direction, operations and activities.
The Officers of the Executive Council are:

Chair: Sherri Maxwell – State of Colorado
Chair-Elect – David O’Neal - State of North Carolina
The NASPO ValuePoint Executive Council Members are:
Western Region:
- John Thomas, State of Montana
- Chelsea Robillard , State of Idaho
Eastern Region
- Brandon Martin , State of Maine
Southern Region
- Gerard MacCrossan, State of Texas
Midwestern Region
- Randy Dublikar, State of Ohio
- Brent Dixon, State of Missouri
Is there a membership fee or a fee to use a ValuePoint contract?
There are no fees to use NASPO ValuePoint contracts. However, NASPO ValuePoint does collect an administrative fee from contractors based on sales. These fees are the lowest in the industry.
How can my entity (city, county, school district, college, non-profit, etc.) purchase from a NASPO ValuePoint contract?
If the state you are located in has executed a statewide participating addendum (PA) with one or more NASPO ValuePoint contractors, political subdivisions typically may purchase from the Master Agreement as they would any other state contract. If the state has not executed a statewide PA, political sub-divisions and other eligible entities may have access to NASPO ValuePoint cooperative contracts if the State’s Chief Procurement Official (CPO) approves or has no objection. Please email your request to participate to [email protected] and we will assist you in gaining access to available contracts.
What is NASPO ValuePoint and how does it work?
NASPO ValuePoint is the contracting arm of “NASPO” the National Association of State Procurement Officials, a unified, nationally focused cooperative alliance aggregating the demand of all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the US Territories, working together to pursue cooperative contracting opportunities and conduct competitive solicitations through the development of multi-state sourcing teams following the procurement laws of the state chosen to lead the procurement. The sourcing teams develop the request for proposals, evaluate responses and recommend awards to the NASPO ValuePoint Executive Council. Once awarded, master agreements are available to all states, their political subdivisions, and other eligible entities. NASPO ValuePoint provides the highest standard of excellence in public cooperative contracting. By leveraging the leadership and expertise of all states with the purchasing power of their public entities, NASPO ValuePoint delivers best value, reliable, competitively sourced contracts that offer public entities outstanding pricing and value adds. Since 1993 NASPO ValuePoint has been the cooperative purchasing arm of NASPO (the National Association of State Procurement Officials) encouraging, fostering and guiding the nation’s most significant public contract cooperative.
How do I register as a vendor?
NASPO ValuePoint does not have a vendor registration process, however, if you would like to view current solicitations, please visit our website at www.naspovaluepoint.org and use the “Solicitations” dropdown menu at the top of the page to select “Current Solicitations.”
If my company is a partner with a current ValuePoint contractor, can we be a part of the contract?
If the Master Agreement provides for the contractor to use authorized distributors or resellers or representatives to service the contract, your company may be able to provide goods and services on behalf of the Master Agreement holder. You may need to work with the Master Agreement holder to ensure your company is named as an authorized representative in accordance with the requirements of the lead state. Once you are listed as an authorized representative, you are subject to the requirements of the Master Agreement.
How can I get a NASPO ValuePoint contract?
Since NASPO ValuePoint is the purchasing cooperative of the state Chief Procurement Officers of all 50 states, Washington D.C., and the US Territories, all contracts are awarded following competitive solicitations led by our member states in accordance with state procurement statutes. In order to become a contractor for the cooperative, you must respond to a competitively bid solicitation and be awarded a contract. Visit our website at www.naspovaluepoint.org and use the “Solicitations” dropdown menu at the top of the page to select “Current Solicitations,” to view the current listing of advertised solicitations.
Where can I find contract pricing?
Use the search function via this link NASPO ValuePoint Website Homepage or navigate to Explore by Contractor button. The contractor’s page may also include a price list under the Documents Section.
Can I shop online?
Yes. Most NASPO ValuePoint contractors have a contract ordering website with contract information specific to your state, and you can order directly from their site. Use this link http://www.naspovaluepoint.com/#/home/contracts to search by contractor name for their website. If you need help contact [email protected].
How does the participation process work?
Participating Addendums are executed between a participating entity and the contractor. The Participating Addendum is a contractual document that binds the contractor and the participating entity to the terms and conditions of the Master Agreement. Participating entities have the flexibility of negotiating additional terms and conditions to meet the unique needs of their state. Negotiation of the Participating Addendum is between the participating entity and the contractor. The Lead State or NASPO ValuePoint generally do not become involved in these negotiations. Once a Participating Addendum is executed, a signed PDF copy must be sent to [email protected].
How do I find out if my state/entity has signed a Participating Addendum?
Participating addendums signed by states are posted on the NASPO ValuePoint website. Go to our homepage at www.naspovaluepoint.org and click on your state on the map to see all participating addendums signed by your state. Send an email to [email protected] to find out if your non-state government entity has signed a participating addendum.
What is the Participating Addendum (PA) and why is it required?
A Participating Addendum is a bilateral agreement executed by a contractor and a participating entity incorporating the terms and conditions included in the original solicitation and any other additional
A Participating Addendum is a bilateral agreement executed by a contractor and a participating entity incorporating the terms and conditions included in the original solicitation and any other additional participating entity specific language or other requirements, e.g. ordering procedures, or other terms and conditions unique to the participating entity.
How do I volunteer for a sourcing team?
If you’re a state or local government employee and interested in participating on a NASPO ValuePoint Sourcing Team in the future, please complete our Sourcing Team Participation Form.
What is a sourcing team?
A sourcing team is comprised of individuals from the lead state and other interested states. The team is a multi-discipline team of both procurement and subject matter experts for the commodity or service being procured.
What is the Master Agreement?
The Master Agreement is the contractual agreement executed between the winning contractor(s) and the Lead State that conducted the procurement on behalf of NASPO ValuePoint. Participating Entities execute “Participating Addendums (PAs)” against the Master Agreement.
How are lead states determined?
NASPO Valuepoint determines which state leads a particular cooperative procurement based on interest and capability.
How does ValuePoint®️ decide what to contract for?
All ValuePoint solicitations are determined based on the needs expressed by member states and other resources. Typically, a state or region of states will suggest an idea to the ValuePoint Executive Council which will authorize a survey to be conducted. If there is sufficient interest among the states, a solicitation will be authorized.
How do ValuePoint’s fees compare to other cooperative purchasing fees?
NASPO ValuePoint’s standard administrative fees are between 0 and one quarter of one percent (0.25%); consistently the lowest on average of any cooperative procurement organization.
Why use a NASPO ValuePoint cooperative contract?
There are many benefits to ValuePoint cooperative contracting. Collectively, states are able to leverage their spending through a single solicitation that obtains best value pricing and superior contract terms, with public entity values in mind. ValuePoint emphasizes best value from its contractors considering price, quality, reliability, warranties, and service, while protecting states’ interests with favorable terms and conditions. Contractors also benefit considerably by avoiding the repetitive bid preparation expenses of bidding time and again on the same solicitations for different public entities throughout the country. Contractors also factor in greater volumes for multiple jurisdictions when determining their pricing. These savings are then passed along to end users.