Pitney Bowes, Inc.
Participating Addenda
Click on your state for guidance on how you can participate.
District of ColumbiaState of FloridaState of IndianaState of LouisianaCommonwealth of MassachusettsState of MississippiState of New JerseyState of New YorkCommonwealth of PennsylvaniaState of Rhode IslandState of West Virginia
Contractor Contact
Bill Walter |
Awarded | Expiration | Renewal Limit |
05/15/2017 | 12/31/2022 | 12/31/2022 |
- Ptiney Bowes Price Book (updated August 2021)
Ptiney Bowes Price Book (updated August 2021)
- Model Participating Addendum
- Offer and Acceptance_PB.pdf
- Pitney Bowes Attachment C1.XLS
- PItney Bowes Attachment C-2.XLS
- Customer Satisfaction Guarantee March 2015.pdf
- Pitney Bowes Supplies Return Policy.pdf
- Summary Leasing-Rental Programs Naspo Valuepoint 11 14 16.pdf
- Award Letter - Pitney Bowes.pdf
- pbSmartPostage_terms.pdf
- Clean version NASPO Option A Term Rental Installment Purchase Lease 11-14-16 finalv2.pdf
- Clean Version NASPO OPT B FMV Rental ADSP011 11-14-16 finalv2.pdf
- Clean version NASPO Opt C State and Local FMV Lease 11-14 finalv2.pdf
- PNC Muni Short Form Lease Pkg FMV FINAL.pdf
- Hosting addendum for slma for pbds products--gms channel May 2015.docx
- EULA ConnectRight Mailer.pdf
- DMT Customer Satisfaction Guarantee_Jason Dies November 2016.pdf
- DMT DirectView License Agreement July 2016 NASPO.docx
- Planet Press Service Link.pdf
- PlanetPress- End User License Agreement-click wrap.pdf
- Ink Jet Toner Warranty.pdf
- MAM SAMPLE Rental Agreement 111116 FINAL.pdf
- MAM SAMPLE Tax Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement 111116 FINAL.pdf
- Master Software License Agreement 02-2015 NASPO (2).docx
- Sorter (Imbedded) Software License Maintenance Agrmnt and DPV-LACS - NASPO 2016.doc
- Business Manager Software License Agreement OCT 2016.docx
- Direct Connect Software License EXHIBIT NASPO 2016 (1).doc
- Distribution Solutions SLMA Nov 2015-Pathfinder-v092215.docx
- IBM Lease-Purchase Master Agreement Z1265741-US-06 LPMA 11-2013 (1).pdf
- PBI Rransmittal Letter Solicitation ADSP016-00006328
- SendPro U.S. Terms of Use Subscription MAY 2016
- Pitney Bowes Supply List
- Postage Meter Rental Terms - Effective August 2019
- OPT A Term Rental Installment Purchase Lease - Effective August 2019
- OPT B FMV Rental - Effective August 2019
- OPT C State and Local FMV Lease - Effective August 2019
- SendPro U.S. Terms of Use Subscription AUGUST 2021
SendPro U.S. Terms of Use Subscription AUGUST 2021
- Master Agreement Amendment 1
- Master Agreement Amendment 2
- Master Agreement Amendment 3
- Master Agreement Amendment 4
- Master Agreement Amendment 5
- Master Agreement Amendment 6
- Master Agreement Amendment 7
Master Agreement Amendment 7
- Master Agreement Amendment 8
Master Agreement Amendment 8
- Master Agreement Amendment 9
Master Agreement Amendment 9
- Master Agreement Amendment 10
Master Agreement Amendment 10
- Master Agreement Amendment 11
Master Agreement Amendment 11
Research Tools:
Mailroom Equipment Supplies and Maintenance Pitney Bowes Amendment Ten.pdf
This document supplies the tenth amendment to the Mailroom Equipment, Supplies and Maintenance portfolio.