Office Supplies The Portfolio Action Tracker (PAT) is a transparency tool that can be used to monitor and review the real-time status of NASPO ValuePoint portfolios. Click here to view Status

× Currently tracker not available for this portfolio.

*Special Note*

Please see Section 8.2 of the Master Agreement. This section includes:

Minimum Shipping. There shall be a $25.00 purchase minimum. Orders that do not comply with such minimum order value will be processed subject to a special handling fee in the amount of $5.99.


Office supplies. See Exhibit 3 of each master agreement for categories covered.

ODP Business Solutions, LLC ODP Business Solutions, LLC View Details

Staples Contract & Commercial, LLC Staples Contract & Commercial, LLC View Details

Wist Business Supplies & Equipment (AZ, CA, NV and UT Only) Wist Business Supplies & Equipment (AZ, CA, NV and UT Only) View Details

Lead State

  • Oregon
    Rachael Rosendahl
    [email protected]
    (971) 707-0137
  • Awarded:
  • Expiration:
  • Renewals Limit:

NASPO Resources

Cooperative Portfolio Managers
  • Primary Contact
  • Secondary Contact
