PlayCore Wisconsin, Inc. DBA GameTime
Athletic Equipment, Bleachers, Bundled Playgrounds, Commercial Play Equipment, Dog Parks, Outdoor Fitness Equipment, Independent Play, Recycled Material Equipment, Replacement Parts, Site Furnishings, Surfacing, Swing Sets, Barbecue Grills, Barbecue Smoker Grills, Banquet Tables, Benches, Bike Racks, Bleachers, Grandstands, Bus Stop Shelters, Canopy Tents, Cigarette Receptacles, Drinking Fountains, Exercise Equipment, Fire Rings, Flags, Floor Matting, Message Centers, Park Benches, Park Grills, Camp Stoves, Parking Lot Equipment, Patio and Café Furniture, Pet Products, Picnic Tables, Planters, Playground Equipment, Sanitation Equipment, Security, Sports Equipment, Tables, Trash Receptacles, Umbrellas, Shelters.
In each Master Agreement, see Section 7 of Exhibit 1 - NASPO ValuePoint Master Agreement Terms and Conditions.
Participating Addenda
Click on your state for guidance on how you can participate.
State of AlaskaState of ArizonaState of ArkansasState of CaliforniaState of ColoradoState of ConnecticutState of DelawareDistrict of ColumbiaState of FloridaState of GeorgiaState of HawaiiState of IdahoState of IllinoisState of IndianaState of IowaState of KansasCommonwealth of KentuckyState of LouisianaState of MaineState of MarylandCommonwealth of MassachusettsState of MichiganState of MinnesotaState of MississippiState of MissouriState of MontanaState of NebraskaState of NevadaState of New HampshireState of New JerseyState of New MexicoState of New YorkState of North CarolinaState of North DakotaState of OhioState of OklahomaState of OregonCommonwealth of PennsylvaniaState of Rhode IslandState of South DakotaState of TennesseeState of TexasState of VermontCommonwealth of VirginiaState of WashingtonState of West VirginiaState of WisconsinState of Wyoming
Contractor Contact
Clint Whiteside |
Awarded | Expiration | Renewal Limit |
04/26/2023 | 12/31/2025 | 12/31/2027 |
- Master Agreement
Master Agreement
- Model PA
Model PA
- Exhibit 6_GameTime Distribution Outline
Exhibit 6_GameTime Distribution Outline
- Master Agreement Amendment 1
Master Agreement Amendment 1
- Master Agreement Amendment 2
- Master Agreement Amendment 3
Master Agreement Amendment 3