Temporary Employment Services

Acro Service Corp - Acro Government Solutions

Acro is an industry leader in global contingent staffing solutions with over 40 years of expertise and specializes in providing an integrated hiring solution that includes sourcing, recruiting, and placement of the client's temporary staff. With the NASPO Temporary Employment Services Contract, Acro can provide you access to Temporary Staffing services in the following categories:

· Administrative Support, including Office, Clerical and Sales
· Professional Services
· Industrial/Commercial Workers
· Health Care, Clinical
· Health Care, Non-Clinical
· Information Technology

The Acro difference lies in its proprietary technology, evolving business understanding, and smart staffing solutions to improve clients' competitive position for success across all industries.

Contractor Contact

Hushedar H. Mehta
[email protected]
(603) 943-2335

Awarded Expiration Renewal Limit
08/15/2022 08/14/2026 08/15/2027
