Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
MA Number 24155
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company is one of the world’s leading tire companies and is the largest tire manufacturer in North America. Founded in 1898, Goodyear manufactures products in 48 facilities, 22 counties and has marketing operations in almost every country in the world.
Participating Addenda
Click on your state for guidance on how you can participate.
State of AlabamaState of AlaskaState of ArizonaState of ArkansasState of CaliforniaDistrict of ColumbiaState of FloridaState of GeorgiaState of IdahoState of IllinoisState of IndianaState of KansasState of MarylandState of MichiganState of MississippiState of MissouriState of MontanaState of New JerseyState of New MexicoState of New YorkState of North CarolinaState of OhioCommonwealth of PennsylvaniaState of South CarolinaState of TennesseeState of West VirginiaState of WisconsinState of Wyoming
Contractor Contact
Kenny Miller |
Awarded | Expiration | Renewal Limit |
07/01/2024 | 06/30/2027 | 06/30/2030 |